If you want sex workers to leave sex work, don't make it so, so hard to leave sex work. @BreeOlson #sexwork https://t.co/cDYJsqshVa
— Escorting Advice (@EscortingAdvice) March 26, 2016
It can be an undesirable solution to problems, but a solution just the same. Getting out of #sexwork by @melissapetro http://t.co/yqC94zAxyP
— Escorting Advice (@EscortingAdvice) June 2, 2015
If you're truly interested in helping women who want to get out of prostitution, you need to read this. #8minutes http://t.co/39gpBMOVC7
— Escorting Advice (@EscortingAdvice) May 4, 2015
If you think people who exit sex work shouldn't be excluded from jobs and housing, sign this. @BreeOlson @sfmistress https://t.co/EtV4X23wW8
— Escorting Advice (@EscortingAdvice) April 1, 2016
Critics say people should get out of #sexwork. Then they shouldn't hypocritically shun us when we do. @melissapetro https://t.co/oxEDT035M1
— Escorting Advice (@EscortingAdvice) December 24, 2015
@kwetoday You mean, like @aussexparty, who just had their first politician @FionaPattenMLC, a retired #sexwork-er, elected in Australia.
— Escorting Advice (@EscortingAdvice) February 19, 2015